31 December 2015

2015 In Review: Home Scribe History's First 4 Months

As we head into the New Year, it is my intention here at Home Scribe History to continue offering tips and suggestions for all those who wish to conduct research on their own house in the future. Many of these posts will continue to star my own house, built in the 1920's, as the backdrop and primary case study. As many of you have found, some of the record types and methods offered here can be helpful in other types of historical research as well, namely in researching your genealogy and family history. You might have discovered some record types you may not have considered or thought of previously. In 2016, in addition to offering new posts of this type and continuing to report on my own house history research, I intend to expand into new types of posts as well; with some guest posts from other researchers here and there, and some interviews with professionals dealing with some of these document types.

It's been enjoyable to see the readership here expand, and I wish to take a moment to thank all those who have followed this blog, and especially those who have actively spread the word by sharing on Facebook or on their own websites. I do very humbly thank you.

Looking to close the book on 2015, I've published 40 posts prior to this one over the course of 4-1/2 months. Depending on when you began following Home Scribe History, you may have missed some of my earlier posts which you may find relevant or of interest to you. Below I present links to some of my favorite posts dating back to August 2015. The intent of this is not to ask you to go back and make sure you've read every single post (although that would be great! haha) but to put some of the topic headers in front of you so you can peruse some of the older posts if you like. As always, my archive of posts is always available in the left sidebar of the Home Scribe History website.

So take a look below, stay tuned in the future, and many thanks again. Happy New Year!

Let The House Blog Begin!

Using Maps to (More Closely) Date the House

Census Records- An Essential Building Block For Your House History

Browsing On-Line County Databases for House History Information

Examining a 20-Year-Old Photograph of the House

Finding Physical Evidence: Old Kitchen?!?

This Single-Family Was Once a Duplex

Are There Permits or Drawings For Your House? Visit the Local Building Department

Learning About the Home's Expansion By Looking at the Building Permit

Finding Physical Evidence: The 1946 Addition

Piecing Together a Chain of Title For a House's Land

Extracting Clues From Property Deeds

Fire Decimates 1927 Tudor-Style Clubhouse at LuLu Country Club

The Origins of Ferguson's North Glenside

A Walk Through the Ardsley Neighborhood (Ferguson's North Glenside)

Past Ownership and the House's Chain of Title - Part 1 (Pre-Construction)

Past Ownership and the House's Chain of Title - Part 2 (Post-Construction)

Past Ownership and the House's Chain of Title - Part 3 (Adding Mortgages to the Mix)

Finding Physical Evidence: Original German Siding

"Husealogy": Genealogy For the House

How Obituaries (Both Old and New) Can Be a Boon to Your House History

Is There a Ghost in the House?!? What Death Certificates Could Reveal

Previous Owners: Frederick & Bertha Brandes (1920-1922)

Perusing Your Municipality's Archive of Annual Reports for Neighborhood History

The Importance of Contacting Your House's "Descendants"

...and much more to come in 2016!

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