Today I've added a neat new mapping feature to Home Scribe History's archive of Saturday Spotlight posts, which can be seen here.
Using Google Maps, I've plotted, onto a single map, all eleven (11) of the featured houses about which I've written a brief historical summary to date. This definitely helps me as I choose houses to feature, as I continue to hope to cover a broad geographical cross-section through the Philadelphia area. I have to provide some more representation to Bucks, Delaware, and Delaware counties, in addition to venturing into the City of Philadelphia some more.
I hope that this map provides some benefit to my readers, as well-- if you are reading from outside of the Philadelphia area, hopefully this gives you more context. If you are a local reader, it should pinpoint exactly where a particular town or area is, if you haven't visited it or weren't quite sure where it is. Most importantly, if you enjoy the Saturday Spotlights but haven't caught them all, this should provide a much easier way to navigate. Now, onto the handy and neat features this map provides on the Saturday Spotlight page.
If you haven't visited the Saturday Spotlight archive before, it can easily be accessed by clicking the page tab called "Saturday Spotlight" at the top of the Home Scribe History home page:
Upon reaching the Saturday Spotlight page, previously you were greeted by a list of all previous spotlight posts. Now, the list of posts remains (in newly improved graphic form), but is led by the newly embedded map. The map provides a yellow house symbol at the location where each house exists:
Clicking on any of the house icons will cause a "quick glance" summary to slide over from the left side of the map. This snapshot provides a photo of the house, the approximate year of construction, the town or neighborhood location, and finally, a link to the HSH spotlight article about the house:
This was a fun way to compile and view the Saturday Spotlight articles from the first 6 months of the blog, and will continue to automatically update with new feature posts. I hope it comes in handy for some of you as well. If you prefer or care to see the full map on Google Maps, the link is here.
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